Did you know the average age of retirement in the United States is 65? Better yet, did you know the average life expectancy of a person is 77? Let me put that in perspective for you; if you start working when you’re 22 and retire at 65, you have worked 43 years just to enjoy 12! I don't know about you, but that is pretty scary to think about.
So tell me, how do you feel when you think about the potential of enjoying less than a quarter of your life expectancy? For me, the thought of NOT living a fulfilled life is petrifying. It literally gives me anxiety. I heard a quote not long ago that resonated with me very deeply; it said, “we weren’t designed just to work and pay bills”. As much as I agree with the quote, I can’t help but feel like there were times in my life when that’s all I did…work, pay bills, repeat. Have you ever felt that way?
Here’s a thought - what if instead of just working and paying bills, we found a way to operate in our unique GIFT?! You know, that ONE thing you were created, molded and designed to do. That thing you can do for hours and hours and it feels as if time stands still. That thing that makes you feel alive! Yeah…that’s your GIFT. Our gift is what we’re called to be operating in EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. So that brings us to the next question - How would being fulfilled on a daily basis change the quality of your life? Really, think about it and answer yourself.
I can confidently say I’ve finally tapped into what I’ve been created to do, my gift, and that is to help people become the master of their minds to create the lives they deserve.
So now, I want to give back. I want everyone to know what i feels like to find their gifts. I want to help you find the Genius of your GIFTS!
Over the next 4 weeks, we’re going to meet every Wednesday via Zoom for a FREE webinar to help you discover the gold that comes with your gifts. At the end of the 4 weeks, you will have:
1. Defined your Gift
2. Found your Gift
3. Know how to Grow your Gift
4. Know how to Give your Gift
It's time to tap into your genius...your GIFT. Are you ready to get started?